Distract is not Sap! A rogue might distract mobs so that they can better position themselves for a Sap do not assume the sap has happened.There is no need to attack the Sapped mob as soon as possible. Sap no longer breaks early on NPCs and will last as long as Polymorph.This is only possible if you stay out of aggro range! The rogue will not break Stealth and can merely try again. If it is very important that the Sap succeeds, don't panic if it fails. Unlike Polymorph, Sap cannot be used in combat, so it is important that Sap is the first action after that, you can pull. It takes time to walk over to a mob in order to Sap it. If a rogue with low health Gouges a mob that is attacking them, it's to save their own life - do not immediately remove the gouge.The Rogue can almost always generate enough threat to attract the mob and then dump aggro (through Feint or Vanish) on the tank. If you draw aggro and cannot handle it, do not run or Blink away from the rogue.It is usually easier on the group for the rogue to die, and a good rogue should know this ahead of time.

If the rogue gets feared into more mobs, it may be useless to attempt to help him as he may either die sooner than you can help him or hit Vanish and rejoin the group.If a rogue is trying to solo or run away and Gouges an enemy, don't attack it.Please don't complain when a rogue is Stealthed if you want to buff it.Only classes which use leather armor (rogues, druids, and hunters and shaman below level 40) should roll on such gear at all. Non-rogues that roll on leather gear while a rogue is in the group are considered rude if the gear in question is best suited for the rogue. Some leather gear is exceptionally useful for rogues.

Tough physical attacks can be avoided if they use Evasion. Rogues do not always need to be rescued from being attacked, especially when fighting caster mobs, since they can Kick them. Rogues can deal damage well but cannot take damage well, although they generally have a better chance to dodge or parry an attack than other classes.Please don't move a mob around or draw aggro from across the room when a rogue uses these abilities unless necessary. Adrenaline Rush and Blade Flurry (available only to Combat Rogues) require that a rogue be standing within melee range of a mob.Don't make your character automatically follow a rogue (without letting the rogue know) sometimes they Stealth and sneak up on mobs.Things rogues want non-rogues to know General 3 Things rogues want new rogues to know.2 Things non-rogues want rogues to know.1 Things rogues want non-rogues to know.